Search several completely free websites for people: government, charities, organizations, missing persons, health, social media, classifieds, directories and 💞 dating sites. is the people-finder lookup of the Dominican Republic's national government. To access the search page, click on the spy-glass icon at the very upper right on the home page or copy/paste this URL into a browser's address bar:
Surprisingly a search for someone named 'Maria' returned only one reference to Hurricane Maria, perhaps because the event occurred five years ago. The search function is a 'simple search' with no advanced features for designating search qualifiers like location so it's possible that the government lacks the means to develop a commercial-grade inquiry.
There are no other government-controlled websites to be located. Unicef's website has search capability ( As a disaster-relief organization its database should be well populated with any and all information related to people and assistance.
'UNICEF is the United Nations Children's Fund - a United Nations agency providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide.'
The is a 'first responder' providing emergency relief to disaster victims. "We help people in crisis caused by war, natural disaster & disease by providing emergency health services, & then promote self-reliance through training." There social site locations are, and
The primary website provides a simple word-search function. Entering one 'keyword' brings up articles and destinations where the word appears.
If a picture is available of a person or a missing person, Google now makes it possible to locate someone from the Dominican by searching for 'close matches' of the picture. The image can be on the device being used to conduct the search or the destination (URL) of the image can be entered when using the image search function. Go to and click on the camera icon to start. If the camera icon is not visible, click on 'images' at the top of the page first.
The majority of Dominicans have expressed an interest in living elsewhere and they have, relocating to Mexico as well as other nearby countries. Search engines targeting foreign locations may include data sought.
Perhaps because of the recent devastation of the island inhabitants have other things on their minds than love as there are only three sites that appear prominently in a peoplesearch for 'dating in the Dominica': Desertcart, DominicanCupid and Wanderlust.
Undoubtedly there will be very few with extra funds (and time) to spend on the Internet finding a main squeeze when it's probably much easier and more effective to walk out of the house and down the street to meet ppl. Ninety percent of buildings/structures were destroyed or damaged in the multiple storms so dating dollars are probably few. is a 100% free source of communication in the area with a section for community > missed connections. However, given the absence of content, it's likely that this venue is not a popular spot for getting lucky even at no charge.
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