Find Luxembourgers anywhere in the world reverse searching phone numbers, names, aliases, emails and addresses.
The Locate Directory is an Internet global people-search website provided by Editus SA (editor of Directories), is a feature of Luxweb, "the Internet portal for Luxembourg". The Directory provides persons a search of telephone directory yellow or white pages, as well as an Internet directory, e-mail address search, keyword search and directory - various pages of which are presented in French and German languages.
Linked directly to the Directory, Luxweb's other web pages offer a variety of lookup utilities for someone at no charge: zip codes, public institutions and businesses, international country codes, emergency numbers and social services. Other links on the Luxweb site include announcements, classified ads, movie information, shopping, e-cards, cultural events, finance, completely freeInternet access, horoscopes and travel information.
Luxweb was created and launched in 1996 by Samuel Dickes and Guy Sandt. Samuel Dickes is currently serving as Internet Marketing Manager of Editus Luxemborg SA, the company that took over operations of the Directory in 1999. The Luxweb and Luxemburg Directory websites' powerful keyword search technology was redesigned in 2000 with a new portal philosophy and is currently managed by Amorelli Antonio and Reis Cathy. Their entire update process is now much more automated than before.