Enter a name above then press 'Start Search' to find addresses, phone numbers and information about the person.
Modern approaches to finding people in Mexico combine traditional search methods with social media and local platforms. This guide covers free and verified sources for locating individuals throughout the Mexican Republic.
Avoid sites requiring payment for basic searches. Most information is available through free channels.
Start with these resources for local businesses and services:
Search Tips:
While free resources can provide substantial information, they should be verified through multiple sources. Official document requests may require in-person visits to government offices, especially in smaller municipalities.
Due to drug wars, poor economic conditions, and illegal immigration, there are thousands of missing persons in Mexico - mostly women, children, and younger men. The National Search Commission provides statistics and a register for reporting and searching for people who have disappeared.
It's important to note that finding missing people in Mexico can be extremely challenging. Many cases remain unresolved. If you are searching for a missing person, consider contacting the following resources:
Through Mexico's public records and social platforms, you can often discover:
Important Privacy Considerations:
Important: Always respect LFPDPPP privacy laws. Some records may require:
Google's database is a huge collection of people's numbers, including those in Mexico. Go to the main search page, type in the phone # and press Enter to trace. (If a microphone is connected to the search device, click on the mic icon to the right of the search box and speak, then press Enter.)
If you're curious, search phone #s belonging to people you know, including your own, and ones from work, and view. Accurate?
For the most part, going to websites that use clickbait like 'completely free reverse phone lookup' is a waste of time as those usually lead to paid services, some of which require a credit card to access 'details'.
'White Pages' are a holdover from the days of printed telephone directories where residential listings where printed on white paper stock (and businesses were printed on yellow paper), both often bound in the same volumes.
The notion of 'whitepages' is a dying concept being phased out by digital technology fulfilling people's desires to find contacts on their computers vs. thumbing through several pages and perusing lines of people's names.
Regardless, there still exists a 'Directory Mexico' which appears to be nothing more than someone's attempt to attract website visitors by targeting the phrase. The page itself looks more like a modern-day Sears catalog with ads plastered everywhere. This admission even appears: "The Telephone listing by Telmex is very complicated to use and only available for Telmex phone subscribers from Mexico."
White directories Mexico today is spelled g-o-o-g-l-e so if people you seek reside on webpages somewhere in the world and are associated with the people's names, the combinations 'should' appear when googling people.
There are two main groups of people to search for in Mexico: those still with us and those dearly departed. Searching for the latter involves family trees and ancestry, while the former might include everything from finding an old friend to finding a new one, getting a job, hiring a tradesman, or a doctor.
We look for people every day using people finders, in one way or another, to fill all the capacities our expectations create. Who can fix my garage door, shoe my horse, repair the damage to my elbow? Who's going to fill my heart's desires, make me happy, bring peace to my life?
People from Mexico have moved to and visited other countries. Searching regional databases may also be productive in The United States.
There's a huge online library with the largest stash of information (at no charge) on and about people from Mexico at the University of Google containing (by last count) one hundred thirty trillion 'web pages' from around the world, so if the bloke you seek exists somewhere on the Worldwide Web, there's a good probability that he or she can be located by perusing said trove.
Doesn't matter if the mate submitted his or her information on some sigh-up site (social media, dating, voter registration, job application, classified ads, or made it to the obituaries) once it's there it's there 'forever' and it's more likely than not the Google's robot (spider) found it, recorded and indexed it - meaning you can locate the bits of data just by typing in relevant letters (forming a 'search phrase' - like a person's name) in the 'Google search engine' (@ Google.com) and pressing the Enter key.
Be prepared. Out of 130 trillion web pages, there are bound to be thousands if not millions of returns for your search query.
Free People Search Mexico Global provides people search at no cost. Search for people in Mexico using the free function above.
To search for people or a person, enter as much as is available about the people or person. Generally using a specific name like a full legal name is a good place to start. If that doesn't return the person sought, try variations of spellings, nicknames, titles and suffixes (like CPA, CLU, etc.). Other qualifiers that might return more specific searches are known or suspected addresses, counties, regions, states and provinces. If the person may have lived in another country, try appending the name of the country to the search parameter or use search that target a particular region.
Many people have accounts at Facebook Mexico, Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat where people post about themselves and their interests. Approximately sixty-five million Facebook accounts exist for people in Mexico, making it a huge search repository for finding personal information which can be readily accessed by locating people's accounts. Because that site garners about 95% of Mexico's social-media audience, searching for people and finding their social profiles is often successful here.
To lookup people (or businesses) fast in Mexico, type a name in the search box at the upper left on the FB page. To filter out companies from search, use 'People' at the top of the page. Use filters on the left to find ex-classmates using a name and school name by selecting the education filter, or use the business filter and enter the name of the organization in Mexico to find an ex-coworker. Using only a last name will return several possibilities. Adding a first name and/or a suspected location should narrow the field. It is not necessary to be 'friends' with people to attempt to locate them. The home page for Mexico is https://www.facebook.com/Mexico/ while the 'FB Mexico' page is https://www.facebook.com/facebookmex/.
When searching for 'people search Mexico' it's possible that the first sites at the top of the search listings are 'paid ads' meaning they have something to sell and are unabashed at using the word 'free' in their ads to entice click-throughs to their lairs. If free information is the only thing on your mind, skip over them and peruse the non-paid listings that follow.
Look up search listings that claim something concrete about 'truly free people search', like 'no credit card required' or 'absolutely 100% free Mexico people search'.
Skip the 'person-owned people-search websites' and go directly to Google and other search-engine websites where you know there's no charge to use the search services.
The simple way to find someone in and from Mexico for completely free information is to open google.com and type in as much of the person's name (that is known or possible).
Search results for Mexico will vary widely from one search database to another because they don't all 'crawl' the same databases and each may not index every possible source of people information on the Internet, so if the person doesn't turn up at Google, try engines less commonly known like Lycos, Excite and AOL People Search. Bing and Yahoo are probably larger and may have different content. All of those sites may be used at no charge.
People searching isn't so much an 'art' as it is an exercise in patience because there are so many people with the same or similar names. For example, a search for the last name 'Rotanowski' returns 2.85 million web pages that have the name on them, while a search for 'Jones' yields one billion two hundred thirty million pages.
Searching an uncommon name and only that may locate people under a variety of different first and middle names, aliases, maiden names, or nicknames, while searching a common name by last-name only would return too many options to be useful - unless people happened to pop to the top of search results coincidentally.
For more common names, add the first name. For fewer possible matches, add a middle initial or name. Use prefixes (Dr., Prof., Rev.) and suffixes (Jr., Sr., III). Entering the known legal names of people should focus search returns on that person or those persons with that specific name. Tighten results even further by including any search phrase in quotes.
If Mexico addresses and phone numbers were added to any online database (by someone, for whatever reason) it's likely that at least one of several search finder engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, and others) has found them, added them to their databases, and made them available for search. It may be necessary to visit more than one search service to find the knowledge sought because the same information isn't necessarily going to be included in all databases.
To locate addresses and phone numbers for people, access a search engine's website and enter people's names in the search field. That's the first step and it may not be so simple as the search results might include a number of possible matches. If that's the case, the number of returns can be reduced by using search 'filters' - additional words or numbers in the search query to lessen the number of search listings. For example, enclose the name in quotes (double or single) and search again, appending or including 'Mexico' in the search query. The search engine 'should' only return exact matches or inform that its database does not include the name specifically.
Conjecture has it that Facebook and other social media platforms were a government ploy to con people into volunteering their personal data to save authorities a lot of money garnering the same from the populous. If so, even though that is an invasion of privacy - accessing that after the fact by twisting the arms of Zuckerberg and the like to turn the info over - it's a brilliant way of getting people to fess up things about themselves without making any effort and only providing the means to do so.
So now tons of secrets are 'out there' and can't be taken back. Oops! How much information would people have volunteered if, prior to entering it, they were warned that officials would have the 'right' to know all that was being spilled? Dare say, "Not much".
The upside perhaps is now having access to the info yourself simply by visiting said websites and using their search functions. Where did people go to school? Who are their friends, acquaintances, and fellow workers? Where do they work? What are their jobs? What books do they like? Movies? Sports?
A relatively new search technology is searching for people using pictures of them, old or new. Use Google's image search function to see if matches or close matches of people can be found then navigate to the webpages.
High in the search listings for Mexico, Google will also present images that might be associated with phones. For example, if people placed ads online to sell products or services, views related to the entry may be displayed. Clicking on the image will open a page with the pic displayed. Selecting again should provide information as to where to find the photo's location on the net.
To experiment, go to a major search engine and use a pic of a popular Mexican like Selena Gomez. The search should be dominated by images of her at different times in her life. Interestingly, other photos will be presented of people who are similar in appearance.
Try another search of your own likeness. Either point to a photo of yourself online or upload one. Are you on the WWW? Somewhere where you didn't expect or want to be? Follow the link to the webpage hosting the pic. No contact information? Go to whois.com/whois and enter the domain name of the website to see if the owner of the website publicized his/her contact information.
Back to the people for whom searches are conducted: Do the same thing - Provide a URL of the image or upload it. The people sought may not appear first so it may be necessary to scroll down the page to look for possible matches.
Here are some official sources for searching publicly available records in Mexico: