Global People Search Norway People Search
Free People Search in Norway

Find people from Norway globally on free sites containing Norwegian backgrounds, family, public and profile records.

Search for people from Norway Search for people from Norway

Almost unbelievably Google has indexed somewhere around one hundred thirty trillion webpages globally, making it the largest store of people data on the planet and a good place to start looking for people from Norway. (If a website is not blocked from search-engine 'spiders' (robots) the larger search services will locate pages, archive the information and make it available for search.)

If data pertaining to a Norwegian resides on a publicly-available webpage somewhere, chances are that at least one of the major search providers has captured the data and made it 100% completely free.

Search People by Name

Go to Google (or Bing or DuckDuckGo and others) and type or speak the last name of the person. If the name is unique, the returns shouldn't be too many to be useful and searching by last name only might find the person without needing additional names.

If the search results are too broad try the following sequence:

  1. Add a first name only and search again.
  2. Try a middle initial or middle name if known.
  3. Append a prefix or suffix if any.
  4. Include a town name if available.
  5. Search for a maiden name.
  6. Search for an alias or username.

If no results are found, use other search services and follow the same procedures to find someone in Norway. Not every search engine will have the same information as others nor will it 'rank' the webpages in the same priority.

Norway People Finders Norway People Finders

For one hundred thirty years 1881.finders has been the local white-pages service in Norway for calling to find Norwegians' phone numbers. The services are in Norwegian only.

Inquiries of names, companies and numbers can be made by accessing that phone number either through SMS or by calling it. The service is also available via Internet White Pages, Android and iPhone apps for White Pages and Mobile White Pages. Road and satellite maps are also available.

Searching records for owners of a phone numbers is referred to as a 'reverse search' and can be done globally by entering phone numbers in search engines' search fields.

People have also often offered their phone numbers on social sites so lookup phone numbers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other popular social sites.

People move in and around the Scandinavian countries so it might pay to search for Swiss and the Swedish and Poles in regional search databases.