People Search France
Free People Search France

Search for Frenchmen and those who have visited France using any of the many free search-finder resources online.

Search for French People by Name Search for French People by Name

People search in France by name isn't perfected but it is vastly improved from just a few years ago.

Most major search engines provide 100% free search services for someone which include advancements to help pinpoint search returns, i.e., finding people sought without presenting a multitude of 'near matches' that are of no use.

Find Someone in France

  1. Enter the name of the person (in, from or having visited France) in the search box of any major or regional search engine and press Lookup.
  2. An easy way to find the name in search results is to use control+F on the keyboard and search the results page using 'find next'. (Browsers may have options to list 100 search listings instead of just 10 to make this feature more useful.)
  3. Scroll through the titles and descriptions of the web pages presented. Perusing text, images and videos may help to locate people.
  4. If the person isn't present on the first page of search returns, go to the bottom of the page and click on the next-page number or select 'Next' to see more information.
  5. If the search engine found nothing useful, try another as not all search engines will have found and stored the same information, nor will they 'rank' the data in the same order.

Search for Addresses Search for Peoples' Addresses

Some stores of address information are not available to the public, like government agencies, medical records and credit reports but many are and they contain contact information and addresses of people in or from France.

Today's massive search engines have been very proficient at finding websites, extracting data, organizing it and making it 'searchable' so rather than search about for a specific or area website that might contain addresses in France (or abroad), let the search engines do the investigation.

Enter the name of the person (or business) in the search field and append a suspected location (like a city or state name). If part of the address is known, press CTL+F and enter the letters or numbers and click 'Find'. That's a quicker way that sifting through line after line of published search results.

If the name of a website is known that may contain the address, place the address (or portion of it) in double quotation marks, enter a space, then enter '' and press Enter. If the search robot knows about the characters entered in the search, the complete address may appear at the top of search listings.

Make a general search of a known address in France to find people at the same address (or nearby) then contact them. For example, searching a known address for an apartment may return several people living or having lived in the complex.

Many people have migrated to France. Muslims made the trek in the 60s and 70s to become 'French' - about one million of them from Northern Africa, Ghana and Algeria. France has more Muslims than any other country in Europe. Greece has the fewest.

To summarize, start by looking for fellow countrymen communities. They all know each other and their help may accelerate the peoplesearch. Another option is checking the documents from local and French archives. They include tons of documents and records so the probability of finding something useful is quite high. Also do not forget about modern technology. It is a fast and convenient way to get the needed information. Moreover it comes in handy if the known data is limited to the person's name or photo. It seeks among millions of uploaded photos, checks all social networks, newspapers and magazines. Besides if you know the exact address or phone number you can use phone books issued in that city. It often contains information about the apartment owner and residents.

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