Global People Search Indonesia People Search
Free Indonesia People Search

Enter a name above then press 'Start Search' to find addresses, phone numbers and information about the person.

People Search Resources in Indonesia People Search Resources in Indonesia

People searching for Indonesians (or people who lived in or visited Indonesia) has several totally free online finder services available that can find people or companies (at no charge) anywhere in the world by names, phone numbers, addresses, email addresses and any number of numerical identifiers.

Find Someone in Indonesia by Name Find Someone in Indonesia by Name

By far Google has the largest database of public records for finding someone in Indonesia (perhaps with the except of government stores unavailable to the public).

Any piece of information can be entered into the Google search field to bring up websites (in Indonesia and globally) containing some or all of the data (words or numbers) entered, including addresses and phone numbers. For a person that might be a name with associated data like estimated age, last-known address, full name, school(s) attended - anything that might narrow the search returns.

Other Indonesian People-Search Destinations

Many countries have public or governmental archives available for searching for information about ppl but apparently ID does not.

Using "people search Indonesia" in Google produces results for sites like Linkedin and Facebook but nothing indicating a searchable database provided by the government of Indonesia.

Yahoo and MSN have a fraction of the search market when compared to 'alphabet' but remain options which may contain data overlooked by the largest search engine. However, they've lost a lot of market share over the years because they've been unable to compete on search results.

Keep in mind that websites appearing at the top of search results for Indonesia on most search engines are probably selling search services. The top of search returns is the most valuable piece of real estate on the Internet and website owners pay big bucks to occupy that space. You may see headlines like "Best People Search Sites 2023 | Don't Waste Your Money" so the purveyor of that source hopes you'll click through, sign and help subsidize the cost of garnering your attention with high page placement when you searched for advanced people search Indonesia.

Interestingly with quotes around "people search Indonesia" only 55 websites appear in Google's search listings meaning that only that number of sites contain that exact phrase. Removing the quotes so that any site with any of the 3 words included pumps the number of returns to three billion three hundred ninety million entries.

People Search Offline

There are 'old-fashioned ways' of finding information about people in Indonesia - locally, visiting businesses, establishments and neighborhoods where the person sought may have been known. Newspapers have spent a considerable amount of money digitizing their historical content, making it 'searchable'.

Public agencies might have recorded information for people search: post office, local police, hospital, court house/county clerk, voter registration, property record, church... Many of those establishments have an online footprint and even though there may be no search function on the website, it's still possible to search the site using search parameters. Here's how:

In the address field type search parameters. If you're searching for John Smith known perhaps to have lived in Jakarta, the entry would be ' "John Smith" Jakarta'. The search engine would look only for John Smith on the website indicated and would 'flavor' search results with 'Jakarta' and bring sites matching the 'filters' to the top (presumably).

People Search Methods People Search Methods

Vary the search terms used when searching for websites that provide services sought. For example, in quotes search for "completely free people search Indonesia" or "free people search Jakarta". (Slightly different results may be returned if the first letter of the nation or city is not capitalized. Definitely lots more returns will be displayed with the double quotes removed.)

If you use one website more than another, using Chrome, click on the three vertical dots in the upper-right corner. Go to Settings. Scroll down to 'Search engine' and set a default engine there. Further down under 'Start up' click on 'Open a specific page or set of pages'. Any page listed there can be removed. Click on 'Add a new page' to make it appear when the browser is opened each time. If the preferred pages are already open, select 'Use current pages' to save those settings.

Scroll up to 'Appearance'. Under 'Show home button' check 'New Tag page' to have a blank page open when a new tab is opened. (This might be preferable to Yahoo and MSN which attempt to open a ton of content and advertisements that take way too long to load, especially on mobile devices.)

With 'Show bookmarks bar' on (slider on the right to the right and blue in color), bookmarks will appear near the top of the window, making it easier and faster to access the websites most-commonly visited. In this same section, font size can be increased or decreased, custom fonts can be assigned (for displaying browser content) and pages can be zoomed in or out depending upon the setting for 'Page Zoom'.

Indonesia Phone Number Search Free Indonesia Phone Number Search

Save time by avoiding websites that advertise at the top of search for 'reverse phone number search'. Most search-engines result pages flag those listings as 'paid advertising' so in cases, even if the listing mentions 'free', the amount of free information, if any, will be limited and only used to lure visitors into paying for search - which quite often are disappointing if not just plain wrong.

These days 'reverse search' is nothing magical. Search-engine robots crawl millions of websites and record the information they locate, including numbers so when a number is used as a search parameter, the search will include listings of websites that have that number somewhere on the sites. The link offered in the title of the listing should lead to the exact page or pages that house the number(s).

The type of website or the format of the page mostly doesn't matter. Search engines can draw text from webpages, document files (.doc) and portable document files (PDFs). A visit to a page containing the number should provide the context for the inclusion of the number in the document - a name of the owner of the number, a business associated with the number, an advertisement, a news article, etc.

Fast People Search by Image

Got a picture of a person in or from Indonesia?

  1. On Google's main search page, click on 'Images' at the upper-right corner to open the 'search-by image' screen.
  2. On the right in the search field, click on the icon that looks like a camera to see options to paste an image URL (like or click on 'Upload an image' then 'Choose File' and navigate to (look up) the image on your computer or storage device.
  3. Select it.
  4. If the image does not exist in the Google database a message will appear: "No other sizes of this image located." and 'visually similar images' will be displayed near the top of the search .
  5. Clicking on a similar image will open a new webpage with many images of other 'near matches' with labels indicating the sources of the images and the website page name.
  6. Clicking again displays a larger image of the person which in turn leads to the webpage where the picture resides where there may be additional information about the person as well as contact info.

Any true image can be used for image lookup, including proprietary artwork, logos and website images - a handy tool for discovering illegal use of copyrighted material. Just follow the same procedure as using photos of people.

People Search by Voice

A handy feature now for people who don't like to type (or can't), search by speaking words and numbers is possible and requires a working microphone to be connected to the computer. (Voice recognition software people suggest that a headset with a quality mic will improve performance.)

Back to the main Google search page: Hovering over the microphone icon to the right in the search box presents an 'alt (alternative) message' to the icon stating, "Search by voice". If that type of search in not available, "Search has been turned off." will be presented with a hyperlink named 'Details' leading to a Google support page explaining how to change your computer's microphone permissions.

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