Global People Search Puerto Rico People Search
Free Puerto Rico People Search

Puerto Ricans and people who entered Puerto Rico (lawfully) as tourists may have information about them recorded in any of these 100% free searchable databases. No charge to find them.

Search Puerto Rico by Names Search for People in Puerto Rico by Names

When searching advanced people-search for a person, enter a person's name and some identifying information (like last known city or region or 'Puerto Rico') to narrow the search results and help to hone in on more complete search returns.

Major search engines like MSN (Bing) and DuckDuckGo will have free pages indexed from Puerto Rico but is a regional search for PR. It has an option to search only its database or globally. (Busca translates to 'search' in English. There is also an option to use the service in Spanish.)

Searching for people in Puerto Rico by name can be facilitated through various online platforms and search engines. Here's an expanded guide on how to effectively conduct such searches:

  1. Utilize Advanced People Search Features: When initiating a search, it's beneficial to utilize advanced search features provided by search engines and people-search websites. These features allow you to enter specific identifying information along with the person's name to refine the search results. Include details like the last known city or region, or specify Puerto Rico to narrow down the search parameters. This helps in obtaining more accurate and relevant search results.
  2. Leverage Major Search Engines: Major search engines such as MSN (Bing) and DuckDuckGo index a vast array of web pages, including those from Puerto Rico. By inputting the person's name along with additional identifying information, you can explore indexed pages to potentially find relevant information about the individual you're searching for. These search engines often provide free access to their indexed pages, making it convenient to conduct searches without any cost.
  3. Explore Regional Search Engines: For more targeted searches within Puerto Rico, utilizing regional search engines can be highly effective. One such example is, which specifically caters to searches within Puerto Rico. This platform offers the option to search exclusively within its own database or globally, providing flexibility based on the user's preferences. The word "Busca" translates to "search" in English, indicating its purpose clearly. Additionally, offers the convenience of browsing the service in Spanish, catering to the linguistic preferences of users.
  4. Refine Search Criteria: To enhance the accuracy of your search results, consider refining your search criteria based on any additional information you may have about the person you're looking for. This could include their profession, educational background, social media profiles, or any other relevant details. By incorporating such specifics into your search query, you increase the likelihood of finding the desired information effectively.
  5. Verify Information: It's essential to verify the information obtained through your search before drawing any conclusions. Cross-referencing data from multiple sources and conducting thorough background checks can help ensure the reliability and accuracy of the information you find. This is particularly important when searching for individuals in Puerto Rico, as it ensures that the information obtained aligns with the person you're trying to locate.

Find Someone in Puerto Rico Find Someone in Puerto Rico

One way to find someone now for free in Puerto Rico is to post messages online and let people find you. The largest database providing such a service is Facebook. The page for Puerto Rico is

To use the free Puerto Rico people finder it is necessary to create an account, obtain a username and password and use those to log into the site. Once that is done, copy/paste the above destination in the browser address bar and press Enter, or in the finder field at the upper left, enter Puerto Rico and click on the search spyglass to see other sites related to the "Rich Port" island.

It's also possible to enter the name of the person sought in the people-search box, along with additional information like a mailing address or email address.

Search Puerto Rico Phone Numbers Free Search Puerto Rico Telephone Numbers

When a search-engine robot 'crawls' a webpage, it reads the letters and numbers on the page and records that information in the search engine's database. If the search located a number and that number is used as a search parameter, all pages containing that number should be listed in the search results page (SERPs), arranged in order of relevance to the number. There may be several matches or none. One search engine may have found the number while others haven't so it might be helpful to use more than one search service.

Several large database sites allow search at no charge by number (essentially a 'reverse phone lookup') to see to whom the number belongs currently or belonged to in the past.

Search Puerto Rico by Names Finding a Person in Puerto Rico via Marriage License Records

If you're searching for someone in Puerto Rico through marriage license records, you'll typically need to follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Relevant Government Agency: In Puerto Rico, marriage license records are usually managed by the Department of Health or the Vital Statistics Office.
  2. Access the Official Website: Visit the official website of the Department of Health or the Vital Statistics Office in Puerto Rico. You can usually find this through a simple web search or by going to the Puerto Rican government portal.
  3. Locate the Marriage Records Section: Navigate through the website to find the section dedicated to marriage records or vital records.
  4. Search for the Person: Once you're in the marriage records section, there should be a search tool or database where you can input the necessary details to find the person you're looking for. Typically, you would need to provide at least one of the following pieces of information:
  5. Review the Results: After initiating the search, the database should return a list of marriage records that match your criteria. Look through the results carefully to find the relevant entry.
  6. Retrieve Additional Information: Once you've located the marriage record of interest, the database should provide additional details such as the names of the spouses, the date of marriage, and possibly other relevant information.
  7. Accessing the Record: Depending on the system in place, you may be able to view the marriage record online or obtain a copy of it through the website. In some cases, you might need to visit the office in person or request a copy through mail.

Keep in mind that access to marriage license records may be subject to certain regulations and privacy laws. You may need to provide a valid reason for accessing the records and/or prove your relationship to the individuals listed in the records.

By following these steps, you should be able to find a person in Puerto Rico through marriage license records.

Puerto Rico Free People Finder Puerto Rico People Finders

The population of Puerto Rico of course is mostly poor and without Internet service.While some Internet cafes are available for online access, many people finders in Puerto Rico take the form of visitors to government agencies to locate people the old-fashioned way by searching through written paper records. Puerto Rico Vital Records are archived at the Department of Health's Demographic Registry in San Juan where births, deaths, marriages and divorces are recorded.

Look Up People Fast in Puerto Rico Using Images

Have a (clear) picture of the person sought saved to the computer or have a URL to the object. While viewing, click on the camera icon to the right of the search box. If the URL is copied to the clipboard, paste it in. If not, type it in and be careful to type exact characters. If the pic resides on the computer, click on 'Upload an image', navigate to the location then select it. Peoplesearch results will include several pictures of 'near matches'.

Try Porto Rica. Many people in PR came from and are visiting from Spain.

An estimated three million two hundred thousand Puerto Ricans inhabit the five thousand three hundred twenty-eight square miles of the Puerto Rican Island. Puerto Rico is one of the most heavily populated island areas in the world. Approximately three hundred forty-seven thousand people live in Puerto Rico's capital of San Juan where many people are likely to have Internet service, computers and access to several websites which may have recorded searchable information about them.