Find Poles and those who lived in or visited Poland using free online searchable resources and databases.
People search in Poland is becoming more popular as the number of Internet participants in Poland increases over time. People are looking to major search databases like MSN, Yahoo and Google when seeking friends, family members and past acquaintances.
Search engines are a great source of people information because they are:
A drawback is that such searches for someone can return a lot of 'near matches' which for common names can return over one million websites, each containing the searched name and variations of it. (One way to narrow the websites returned is to place the full name in double quotation marks and use at least a middle initial if not a middle name.)
Skimming the top listings for 'people search Poland' reveals no regional or national database containing data on Polish people or people who are in or have visited PL. That seems a bit odd because Poland ranks twenty-eighth in the number of Internet users by country affiliation.
On the other hand there are approximately sixteen million seven hundred thousand Poles with Facebook pages so the latter may well be a good store of info about people in Poland at no charge.
Certainly more about any person is available on that site in that users are encouraged to tell all about themselves save family secrets and dark pasts - interests, hobbies, favorite books, music and entertainers, schools attended - even pictures! Some contend that Facebook was devised by the powers that be to get individuals to volunteer about themselves so Big Brother would have to spend billions of dollars doing the job himself. If so, brilliant and very divisive. Thanks to social media sharing, 'the government' now knows users' family members, friends, gang associations and political persuasions. Seems like a lot of data but with super computers these spies can search and collate unlimited pieces of information to profile everyone who gave up their privacy in this way.
Free search services are populated by people wishing for their information and themselves to be found. They also contain people who don't want to be found or don't want information about them available publicly. Locate someone in Poland using 100% free global lookup search services.
Private databases are often populated by 3rd parties which are recording information as a matter of business. The medical history database is a good example. It is shared by life and health insurance companies and stores peoples' historical medical treatments and ailments. court and police blotters house details about people who have been arrested, convicted and incarcerated.
Finding people in Poland may require knowing a few details about people sought like their past address, maiden name or previous employer. The first qualifier often used in conjunction with the search of a person's name is the last-known town or providence of residency.
Websites with information about Poles includes Family Search, a popular and long-standing genealogical website with thousands of records. The database includes ppl residing inside and outside of Poland who are of course of Polish decent. It includes references to genealogy sites like Ahnenforschung in Polen, Archiwum Glowne Akt Dawnych w Watszawie and Galicia.
Poland is an old country with rich history so searching family names will return many close matches. Again, narrow the list by using full names, including middle names, and including full names in double quotes.