Free Russia People Search
Use secret and absolutely free people-search tools to find Russians and personal information about them.
Search for People in Russia by Name
- Open your favorite people-search service and enter the first and last names of the people you are seeking in Russia.
- If too many matches are found place the names in double quotes to only view exact matches of the name.
- If returns are too few, use only the surname to broaden the search.
- Append prefixes and suffixes to names to make search more specific.
- Try variations of names and the spelling of names to 'fish' for similar monikers.
- Search using known or suspected 'user names' that people may have or might use in Russian profiles and forum posts.
- Most browsers have an option to list one hundred listings per page, not just ten, which makes it possible to use Control+F to search all listings for a specific string of characters like a unique name spelling.
- In addition to a name, add search parameters like a location, a Russian school attended, employer or professional designation (Dr., CPA, Chief...)
- Search for family members and trace a path to the person sought through relatives and acquaintances.
Russians have migrated to or visited foreign countries so looking up names in Japan and Mexico may locate people sought.
Search for People in Russia by Address
- In the search box type or copy/paste an address including the postal code (pochtovyy indeks).
- To filter the search, include suffixes like Court, Boulevard and Street.
- Use abbreviations of suffixes. Search for conceivable variations of the letters in the address.
- Address search for people might include a last name and a known employer.
- If no matching addresses are found, search for people who live nearby, like in the same building on the same street.
- Lots of people in Russia are incarcerated. Trying using the name in conjunction with likely prisons or jurisdictions.
- Try looking in nearby regions like Ukraine.
Search for People in Russia by Email
Email addresses are completely unique. Like fingerprints no two are alike, making the chances of finding people by address likely to find people when an address search matches the address searched.
- Type or otherwise enter the address in a search function, preferably a major search engine.
- If no results are found try different email-provider domains names, using the same user-name account (name@yahoo, name@gmail, etc).
- If an address match is not found, use different search functions at different databases (Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc).
Search for People in Russia by Phone Number
Long before people realized that the information they splattered all around the Internet would become available to the public, they readily fessed up their numbers (as well as other personal details), making it possible to 'reverse search' a number to find the owner.
- Because numbers change frequently, the person found reverse searching a number may not be the person to whom the number belongs presently.
- Unpublished numbers are only available to those who have authorization to access them (police, courts, private investigators, etc.).
- Businesses and business owners can also be discovered by numbers.
- Most often it's necessary to include the area code (but not the country code) to narrow the number of possible search matches.
Surprisingly there are a large number of Vietnamese in Russia. A people finder service would not be useful as many of those migrants are displaced and do not speak Russian or English. Among the most noted of them, Ho Chi Minh was a Russian student in Moscow and concert pianist Quynh Nguyan received a scholarship from a state musical college. Several Japanese also moved to Russia, many of them women who were prostitutes.
Search for People in Russia by Picture
Got a face in a picture on your computer or somewhere online?
- Search for peoples' names and click on Images at the top of the search page.
- Choose the camera icon.
- Upload the person's picture or enter the URL where the image resides.
- Press Enter.
As best as search engines can so far, search will present several 'close matches' so it might be interesting to see what your 'lookalikes' look like if you search your own image.
How to Find Someone Living in Russia
Finding someone in Russia is fast, 100% free and less of a challenge than other smaller countries because per capita there are more Internet users in Russia. There are several local search resources - databases containing information about people - everything from their contact information (addresses, numbers, addresses) to their interests, hobbies and of course their religion.
Find Someone in Russia
To find someone in Russia using completely free search services on this page, include both first and last name to narrow the number of searches returned. There are many similar first names and several identical last names in Russia so the number of search offerings should be plentiful.
Russia People Finder
Many people finder tools in Russia are effective simply because of the large peoplesearch data resources. Those data files were built by Russians themselves as they subscribed to popular search services and entered information about themselves so as to be found by anyone looking for them. These days Google actually makes for a good people-search service because it has indexed so many website pages.
Search Through Specific Russian Services is the apparent leading source used to lookup people at no charge in Russia. Several advanced people search engines are listed including Aport, InterRussia, LycosRussia, and Yahoo!Russia. The remaining find-people sites listed in search results are curiously about detective agencies, background checks and Russian women, no doubt due to the substantial interest in and marketing of Russian brides and the corruption involved in such trafficing.