Singapore People Search
Singapore People Search

Search completely free services for records related to Singaporeans in and from Singapore: property ownership, social profiles, addresses, phone numbers, pictures and any piece of information registered online.

People Finders in Singapore People Finders in Singapore

The largest repository of people information in Singapore is With its world-wide people-finder capabilities, this searchable database is a good starting point for finding a Singaporean or someone in or from Singapore (or someone who visited legally).

This is a popular search tool because it's easy to use and contains a tremendous amount of information that may not reside elsewhere. Keep in mind that the search engine does not lookup information about people but gleans data from roughly thirty trillion websites so if information about the person being sought resides on a website somewhere in the world, it's possible that info can be found simply by searching the person's name or reverse searching a phone number or address.

Find Someone in Signapore How to Find Someone in Singapore

To get an idea of the scope of the types of websites the search engine has accessed and recorded, go to and type "Find Someone in Singapore" and scroll through the list of sites. As a side note, any site(s) listed at the top of the search-results page with 'Ad' in front of the domain URL is there because the owner of the website paid Google for the top-of-the-page placement, hoping to attract website visitors and usually attempting to sell something - in this case, people information. If you're seeking 100% free service at no charge, scroll down to listings with the Ad flag.

The types of websites listed are a cross section of websites found on the Internet, mainly job placement, business listings, social pages, forums, money-related, dating, government, travel and software.

In other words, there are plenty of places where information about someone in or from Singapore might reside on the WWW. Instead of visiting each site and hoping to locate search functions, Google has already done the leg work and if it exists, found information about the person sought. To see what Google has in store simply enter the person's name in the search box and press Enter (or click on the spyglass icon).

If there are too many results, the number of possibilities can be reduced by placing the name in quotations or by using a more complete name including a middle initial or name. Adding a prefix or suffix to the name might help to bring up specific results.

Singaporeans travel extensively throughout Asia so searching in regional databases may turn up records of people who have visited other countries like S Korea and Japan.

Singapore Social Profiles Singapore Social Profiles

Intelligence about people gets onto websites in 2 basic ways: 1) They volunteer their information in profiles on social and dating sites, online job applications and other types of destinations like listings of homes for sale, voter registration and classified ads, or 2) the data was placed there by an entity that had interaction with the person, like police arrests and parol records, lists of convicts and offenders, news articles, movies, music and celebrities, politicians and so on.

Most websites are 'searchable' in that either a search function is provided or a site may be searched by entering this in the browser's search box: ' Eddie Rawling'. (There needs to be spaces as they are shown in the example.)

Another way to search a website historically is to use the 'Wayback Machine' at which has been storing SG words from websites since 2001. (The data however is very sketchy.)

Singaporeans travel worldwide and in their travels they leave digital prints of passing through customs, registering with local agencies and buying/renting property. Look in popular vacation and travel destinations like Ireland, Australia and Puerto Rico for people from Singapore.

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