Global People Search Wales People Search
Wales People Search

Use sources guaranteed to be completely free to find Welsh people globally by name or reverse search by phone number or address.

Find Someone in Wales How Can I Find Someone in Wales?

There's a huge online library with the largest stash of information (at no charge) on and about people from Wales at the University of Google containing (by last count) one hundred thirty trillion 'web pages' from around the world, so if the bloke you seek exists somewhere on the Worldwide Web, there's a good probability that he or she can be located by perusing said trove.

Doesn't matter if the mate submitted his or her information on some sigh-up site (social media, dating, voter registration, job application, classified ads, or made it to the obituaries) once it's there it's there 'forever' and it's more likely than not the Google's robot (spider) found it, recorded and indexed it - meaning you can locate the bits of data just by typing in relevant letters (forming a 'search phrase' - like a person's name) in the 'Google search engine' (@ and pressing the Enter key.

Be prepared. Out of 30 trillion web pages, there are bound to be thousands if not millions of returns for your search query.

It may be necessary to throttle the plethora of returns with more specific search parameters, like using firstname-middlename-lastname, maybe adding a prefix (dr, cpt, chief) and/or a suffix (III, Jr, CPA) to distill millions of returns down to just a few.

Learn the skills of search. They will serve you for the life of the Internet and live beyond keyboards and mice.

Welsh mobility scatters some of its population to nearby countries so it may improve the chances of finding someone in countries like Ireland.